class ThreadPoolScheduler does Scheduler {}

The ThreadPoolScheduler has a range of number of threads that it maintains, and it distributes work among those threads. When the upper limit of threads isn't reached yet, and there is work pending, it spawns new threads to handle the work.

Methods §

new §

method new(Int :$initial_threads = 0Int :$max_threads=16)

Creates a new ThreadPoolScheduler object with the given range of threads to maintain.

Type Graph §

Type relations for ThreadPoolScheduler
perl6-type-graph ThreadPoolScheduler ThreadPoolScheduler Any Any ThreadPoolScheduler->Any Scheduler Scheduler ThreadPoolScheduler->Scheduler Mu Mu Any->Mu

Expand above chart

Routines supplied by role Scheduler §

ThreadPoolScheduler does role Scheduler, which provides the following routines:

(Scheduler) method uncaught_handler §

method uncaught_handler() is rw

RW-Accessor for the handler that is caught for uncaught exceptions from the code that is being scheduled and run.

(Scheduler) method cue §

method cue(&codeInstant :$at:$in:$every:$times = 1:&catch --> Cancellation)

Schedules a callable (&code) for execution and returns an instantiated Cancellation object to cancel the scheduling of the code for execution (which is especially important if you specify the :every ( time ) named parameter). The adverbs control when and how the code is run:

  • $at can be an Instant before which the code won't be run. Alternatively $in is the number of seconds (possibly fractional) to wait before running the code. If $at is in the past or $in is negative, the delay is treated as zero. Implementations may equate to zero very small values (e.g. lower than 0.001s) of $in or result of $at - now.

  • If $every is specified, it is interpreted as the number of seconds (possibly fractional) to wait before re-executing the code. Implementations may treat too-small values as lowest resolution they support, possibly warning in such situations; e.g. treating 0.0001 as 0.001.

  • $times tells the scheduler how many times to run the code.

  • &catch is called with the Exception as its sole argument if &code dies.

  • If $at or $in are Inf, &code will never be run; if $every is Inf, &code will only be run once. If any of the three are -Inf, &code will be run immediately. If any of the three are NaN, an X::Scheduler::CueInNaNSeconds exception will be thrown. This only applies to releases 2019.05 and later.

  • One should call the cancel method on the returned Cancellation object to cancel the (possibly repeated) cueing of the code.

    (Scheduler) method loads §

    Defined as:

    method loads()

    This is a method stub, should be re-implemented when subclassing.

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