class Collation { }

Collation is the class that allows proper sorting, taking into account all Unicode characteristics. It's the class the object $*COLLATION is instantiated to, and thus includes collation levels, that is, what kind of features should be looked up when comparing two strings and in which order.

Methods §

method set §

Defined as:

method set (
    Int :$primary    = 1,
    Int :$secondary  = 1,
    Int :$tertiary   = 1,
    Int :$quaternary = 1)

Sets if the different levels should be used in ascending or descending order, or if they are going to be ignored (when set to 0).

say 'a' coll 'z'# OUTPUT: «Less» 
say 'a' coll 'z'# OUTPUT: «More» 

method primary §

Defined as:

method primary

Returns the state of the primary collation level.

method secondary §

Defined as:

method secondary

Returns the state of the secondary collation level.

method tertiary §

Defined as:

method tertiary

Returns the state of the tertiary collation level.

method quaternary §

Defined as:

method quaternary

Returns the state of the quaternary collation level.

Type Graph §

Type relations for Collation
perl6-type-graph Collation Collation Any Any Collation->Any Mu Mu Any->Mu

Expand above chart

Generated from

Generated from Type/Collation.pod6