ASTclassAbstract representation of a piece of source code
AllomorphclassDual value number and string
ArrayclassSequence of itemized values
AssociativeroleObject that supports looking up values by key
AttributeclassMember variable
BacktraceclassSnapshot of the dynamic call stack
Backtrace::FrameclassSingle frame of a Backtrace
BagclassImmutable collection of distinct objects with integer weights
BagHashclassMutable collection of distinct objects with integer weights
BaggyroleCollection of distinct weighted objects
BlobroleImmutable buffer for binary data ('Binary Large OBject')
BlockclassCode object with its own lexical scope
BoolenumLogical Boolean
BufroleMutable buffer for binary data
CX::DoneclassDone control exception
CX::EmitclassEmit control exception
CX::LastclassLast control exception
CX::NextclassNext control exception
CX::ProceedclassProceed control exception
CX::RedoclassRedo control exception
CX::ReturnclassReturn control exception
CX::SucceedclassSucceed control exception
CX::TakeclassTake control exception
CX::WarnclassControl exception warning
CallFrameclassCaptures the current frame state
CallableroleInvocable code object
CancellationclassRemoval of a task from a Scheduler before normal completion
CaptureclassArgument list suitable for passing to a Signature
ChannelclassThread-safe queue for sending values from producers to consumers
CodeclassCode object
CollationclassEncapsulates instructions about how strings should be sorted
CompilerclassInformation related to the compiler that is being used
ComplexclassComplex number
ComplexStrclassDual value complex number and string
CoolclassObject that can be treated as both a string and number
CurrentThreadSchedulerclassScheduler that synchronously executes code on the current thread
DateclassCalendar date
DateTimeclassCalendar date with time
DateishroleObject that can be treated as a date
Distribution::ResourceclassEvery one of the resources installed with a distribution
DistroclassDistribution related information
DurationclassLength of time
EncodingroleSupport for character encodings.
Encoding::RegistryclassManagement of available encodings
EndianenumIndicate endianness (6.d, 2018.12 and later)
EnumerationroleWorking with the role behind the enum type
ExceptionclassAnomalous event capable of interrupting normal control-flow
FailureclassDelayed exception
FatRatclassRational number (arbitrary-precision)
ForeignCodeclassRakudo-specific class that wraps around code in other languages (generally NQP)
GrammarclassFormal grammar made up of named regexes
HashclassMapping from strings to itemized values
HyperSeqclassAn object for performing batches of work in parallel with ordered output
HyperWhateverclassPlaceholder for multiple unspecified values/arguments
IOroleInput/output related routines
IO::ArgFilesclassIterate over contents of files specified on command line
IO::CatHandleclassUse multiple IO handles as if they were one
IO::HandleclassOpened file or stream
IO::NotificationclassAsynchronous notification for file and directory changes
IO::Notification::ChangeclassChanges in a file, produced by watch-file
IO::PathclassFile or directory path
IO::Path::CygwinclassIO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Cygwin
IO::Path::PartsclassIO::Path parts encapsulation
IO::Path::QNXclassIO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::QNX
IO::Path::UnixclassIO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Unix
IO::Path::Win32classIO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Win32
IO::PipeclassBuffered inter-process string or binary stream
IO::SocketroleNetwork socket
IO::Socket::AsyncclassAsynchronous socket in TCP or UDP
IO::Socket::Async::ListenSocketclassA tap for listening TCP sockets
IO::Socket::INETclassTCP Socket
IO::SpecclassPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths
IO::Spec::CygwinclassPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths for Cygwin
IO::Spec::QNXclassPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths QNX
IO::Spec::UnixclassPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths for POSIX
IO::Spec::Win32classPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths for Windows
IO::SpecialclassPath to special I/O device
InstantclassSpecific moment in time
IntclassInteger (arbitrary-precision)
IntStrclassDual value integer and string
IterableroleInterface for container objects that can be iterated over
IteratorroleGeneric API for producing a sequence of values
JunctionclassLogical superposition of values
KernelclassKernel related information
LabelclassTagged location in the source code
ListclassSequence of values
LockclassA low-level, re-entrant, mutual exclusion lock
Lock::AsyncclassA non-blocking, non-re-entrant, mutual exclusion lock
Lock::ConditionVariableclassCondition variables used in locks
MacroclassCompile-time routine
MapclassImmutable mapping from strings to values
MatchclassResult of a successful regex match
Metamodel::AttributeContainerroleMetaobject that can hold attributes
Metamodel::C3MROroleMetaobject that supports the C3 method resolution order
Metamodel::ClassHOWclassMetaobject representing a Raku class.
Metamodel::ConcreteRoleHOWclassProvides an implementation of a concrete instance of a role
Metamodel::CurriedRoleHOWclassSupport for parameterized roles that have not been instantiated
Metamodel::DefiniteHOWclassMetaobject for type definiteness
Metamodel::DocumentingroleMetarole for documenting types.
Metamodel::EnumHOWclassMetaobject representing a Raku enum.
Metamodel::FinalizationroleMetaobject supporting object finalization
Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatchroleMetaobject that supports resolving inherited methods
Metamodel::MethodContainerroleMetaobject that supports storing and introspecting methods
Metamodel::MixinsroleMetaobject for generating mixins
Metamodel::MultipleInheritanceroleMetaobject that supports multiple inheritance
Metamodel::NamingroleMetaobject that supports named types
Metamodel::PackageHOWclassMetaobject representing a Raku package.
Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOWroleRepresents a group of roles with different parameterizations
Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOWroleRepresents a non-instantiated, parameterized, role.
Metamodel::PrimitivesclassMetaobject that supports low-level type operations
Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainerroleMetaobject that supports private methods
Metamodel::RoleContainerroleMetaobject that supports holding/containing roles
Metamodel::RolePunningroleMetaobject that supports punning of roles.
Metamodel::StashingroleMetarole for type stashes
Metamodel::TrustingroleMetaobject that supports trust relations between types
Metamodel::VersioningroleMetaobjects that support versioning
MethodclassMember function
MixclassImmutable collection of distinct objects with Real weights
MixHashclassMutable collection of distinct objects with Real weights
MixyroleCollection of distinct objects with Real weights
MuclassThe root of the Raku type hierarchy.
NFCclassCodepoint string in Normal Form C (composed)
NFDclassCodepoint string in Normal Form D (decomposed)
NFKCclassCodepoint string in Normal Form KC (compatibility composed)
NFKDclassCodepoint string in Normal Form KD (compatibility decomposed)
NilclassAbsence of a value or a benign failure
NumclassFloating-point number
NumStrclassDual value floating-point number and string
NumericclassNumber or object that can act as a number
ObjAtclassUnique identification for an object
OrderenumHuman readable form for comparison operators.
PairclassKey/value pair
ParameterclassElement of a Signature
PerlclassPerl related information
Pod::BlockclassBlock in a Pod document
Pod::Block::CodeclassVerbatim code block in a Pod document
Pod::Block::CommentclassComment in a Pod document
Pod::Block::DeclaratorclassDeclarator block in a Pod document
Pod::Block::NamedclassNamed block in a Pod document
Pod::Block::ParaclassParagraph in a Pod document
Pod::Block::TableclassTable in a Pod document
Pod::DefnclassPod definition list
Pod::FormattingCodeclassPod formatting code
Pod::HeadingclassHeading in a Pod document
Pod::ItemclassItem in a Pod enumeration list
PositionalroleObject that supports looking up values by index
PositionalBindFailoverroleFailover for binding to a Positional
PredictiveIteratorroleIterators that can predict number of values
ProcclassRunning process (filehandle-based interface)
Proc::AsyncclassRunning process (asynchronous interface)
PromiseclassStatus/result of an asynchronous computation
ProxyclassItem container with custom storage and retrieval
PseudoStashclassStash type for pseudo-packages
QuantHashroleObject hashes with a limitation on the type of values
RaceSeqclassPerforms batches of work in parallel without respecting original order.
RakuclassRaku related information
RangeclassInterval of ordered values
RatclassRational number (limited-precision)
RatStrclassDual value rational number and string
RationalroleNumber stored as numerator and denominator
RealroleNon-complex number
RegexclassString pattern
RoutineclassCode object with its own lexical scope and return handling
Routine::WrapHandleclassHolds all information needed to unwrap a wrapped routine.
ScalarclassA mostly transparent container used for indirections
SchedulerroleScheme for automatically assigning tasks to threads
SemaphoreclassControl access to shared resources by multiple threads
SeqclassAn iterable, potentially lazy sequence of values
SequenceroleCommon methods of sequences
SetclassImmutable collection of distinct objects
SetHashclassMutable collection of distinct objects
SettyroleCollection of distinct objects
SignatureclassParameter list pattern
SlipclassA kind of List that automatically flattens into an outer container
StashclassTable for "our"-scoped symbols
StrclassString of characters
StrDistanceclassContains the result of a string transformation.
StringyroleString or object that can act as a string
SubmethodclassMember function that is not inherited by subclasses
SupplierclassLive Supply factory
Supplier::PreservingclassCached live Supply factory
SupplyclassAsynchronous data stream with multiple subscribers
SystemicroleInformation related to the build system
TapclassSubscription to a Supply
TelemetryclassCollect performance state for analysis
Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadclassInstrument for collecting Thread data
Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPoolclassInstrument for collecting ThreadPoolScheduler data
Telemetry::Instrument::UsageclassInstrument for collecting getrusage data
Telemetry::PeriodclassPerformance data over a period
Telemetry::SamplerclassTelemetry instrument pod
TestmoduleWriting and running tests
ThreadclassConcurrent execution of code (low-level)
ThreadPoolSchedulerclassScheduler that distributes work among a pool of threads
UIntclassUnsigned integer (arbitrary-precision)
UniclassA string of Unicode codepoints
VMclassRaku Virtual Machine related information
ValueObjAtclassUnique identification for value types
VariableclassObject representation of a variable for use in traits
VersionclassModule version descriptor
WhateverclassPlaceholder for the value of an unspecified argument
WhateverCodeclassCode object constructed by Whatever-currying
X::AdHocclassError with a custom message
X::Anon::AugmentclassCompilation error due to augmenting an anonymous package
X::Anon::MulticlassCompilation error due to declaring an anonymous multi
X::Assignment::ROclassException thrown when trying to assign to something read-only
X::Attribute::NoPackageclassCompilation error due to declaring an attribute outside of a package
X::Attribute::PackageclassCompilation error due to declaring an attribute in an ineligible package
X::Attribute::RequiredclassCompilation error due to not declaring an attribute with the is required trait
X::Attribute::UndeclaredclassCompilation error due to an undeclared attribute
X::Augment::NoSuchTypeclassCompilation error due to augmenting a non-existing type
X::BindclassError due to binding to something that is not a variable or container
X::Bind::NativeTypeclassCompilation error due to binding to a natively typed variable
X::Bind::SliceclassError due to binding to a slice
X::Caller::NotDynamicclassError while trying to access a non dynamic variable through CALLER
X::Cannot::EmptyclassError due to inappropriate usage of an empty collection
X::Cannot::LazyclassError due to inappropriate usage of a lazy list
X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosedclassError due to calling receive on a closed channel
X::Channel::SendOnClosedclassError due to calling send on a closed channel
X::ComproleCommon role for compile-time errors
X::Composition::NotComposableclassCompilation error due to composing an ineligible type
X::Constructor::PositionalclassError due to passing positional arguments to a default constructor
X::ControlclassRole for control exceptions
X::ControlFlowclassError due to calling a loop control command in an ineligible scope
X::ControlFlow::ReturnclassError due to calling return outside a routine
X::DateTime::TimezoneClashclassError due to using both time zone offset and :timezone
X::Declaration::ScopeclassCompilation error due to a declaration with an ineligible scope
X::Declaration::Scope::MulticlassCompilation error due to declaring a multi with an ineligible scope
X::Does::TypeObjectclassError due to mixing into a type object
X::Dynamic::NotFoundclassRuntime error thrown when a dynamic variable does not exist
X::Eval::NoSuchLangclassError due to specifying an unknown language for EVAL
X::Export::NameClashclassCompilation error due to exporting the same symbol twice
X::IOroleIO related error
X::IO::ChdirclassError while trying to change the working directory
X::IO::ChmodclassError while trying to change file permissions
X::IO::CopyclassError while trying to copy a file
X::IO::CwdclassError while trying to determine the current working directory
X::IO::DirclassError while trying to get a directory's contents
X::IO::DoesNotExistclassError while doing file tests on a non existing path
X::IO::LinkclassError while trying to create a link
X::IO::MkdirclassError while trying to create a directory
X::IO::MoveclassError while trying to move a file
X::IO::RenameclassError while trying to rename a file or directory
X::IO::RmdirclassError while trying to remove a directory
X::IO::SymlinkclassError while trying to create a symbolic link
X::IO::UnlinkclassError while trying to remove a file
X::Inheritance::NotComposedclassError due to inheriting from a type that's not composed yet
X::Inheritance::UnsupportedclassCompilation error due to inheriting from an ineligible type
X::Method::InvalidQualifierclassError due to calling a qualified method from an ineligible class
X::Method::NotFoundclassError due to calling a method that isn't there
X::Method::Private::PermissionclassCompilation error due to calling a private method without permission
X::Method::Private::UnqualifiedclassCompilation error due to an unqualified private method call
X::Mixin::NotComposableclassError due to using an ineligible type as a mixin
X::NYIclassError due to use of an unimplemented feature
X::NoDispatcherclassError due to calling a dispatch command in an ineligible scope
X::Numeric::RealclassError while trying to coerce a number to a Real type
X::OSroleError reported by the operating system
X::ObsoleteclassCompilation error due to use of obsolete syntax
X::OutOfRangeclassError due to indexing outside of an allowed range
X::Package::StubbedclassCompilation error due to a stubbed package that is never defined
X::Parameter::DefaultclassCompilation error due to an unallowed default value in a signature
X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraintsclassCompilation error due to a parameter with multiple type constraints
X::Parameter::PlaceholderclassCompilation error due to an unallowed placeholder in a signature
X::Parameter::TwigilclassCompilation error due to an unallowed twigil in a signature
X::Parameter::WrongOrderclassCompilation error due to passing parameters in the wrong order
X::Phaser::MultipleclassCompilation error due to multiple phasers of the same type
X::Phaser::PrePostclassError due to a false return value of a PRE/POST phaser
X::Placeholder::BlockclassCompilation error due to a placeholder in an ineligible block
X::Placeholder::MainlineclassCompilation error due to a placeholder in the mainline
X::PodrolePod related error
X::Proc::AsyncroleException thrown by Proc::Async
X::Proc::Async::AlreadyStartedclassError due to calling start on an already started Proc::Async object
X::Proc::Async::BindOrUseclassError due to trying to bind a handle that is also used
X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytesclassError due to tapping the same Proc::Async stream for both text and binary reading
X::Proc::Async::MustBeStartedclassError due to interacting with a Proc::Async stream before spawning its process
X::Proc::Async::OpenForWritingclassError due to writing to a read-only Proc::Async object
X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawnclassError due to tapping a Proc::Async stream after spawning its process
X::Proc::UnsuccessfulclassException thrown if a Proc object is sunk after the process it ran exited unsuccessfully
X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBrokenclassError due to asking why an unbroken promise has been broken.
X::Promise::VowedclassError due to directly trying to keep/break a vowed promise.
X::RedeclarationclassCompilation error due to declaring an already declared symbol
X::Role::InitializationclassError due to passing an initialization value to an ineligible role
X::Scheduler::CueInNaNSecondsclassError caused by passing NaN to Scheduler.cue as :at, :in, or :every
X::Seq::ConsumedclassError due to trying to reuse a consumed sequence
X::Sequence::DeductionclassError due to constructing a sequence from ineligible input
X::Signature::NameClashclassCompilation error due to two named parameters with the same name
X::Signature::PlaceholderclassCompilation error due to placeholders in a block with a signature
X::Str::NumericclassError while trying to coerce a string to a number
X::StubCodeclassRuntime error due to execution of stub code
X::SyntaxroleSyntax error thrown by the compiler
X::Syntax::Augment::WithoutMonkeyTypingclassCompilation error due to augmenting a type without the MONKEY-TYPING pragma
X::Syntax::Comment::EmbeddedclassCompilation error due to a malformed inline comment
X::Syntax::ConfusedclassCompilation error due to unrecognized syntax
X::Syntax::InfixInTermPositionclassCompilation error due to an infix in term position
X::Syntax::MalformedclassCompilation error due to a malformed construct (usually a declarator)
X::Syntax::MissingclassCompilation error due to a missing piece of syntax
X::Syntax::NegatedPairclassCompilation error due to passing an argument to a negated colonpair
X::Syntax::NoSelfclassCompilation error due to implicitly using a self that is not there
X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRangeclassCompilation error due to an unallowed radix in a number literal
X::Syntax::P5classCompilation error due to use of Perl-only syntax
X::Syntax::Perl5VarclassCompilation error due to use of Perl-only default variables
X::Syntax::Regex::AdverbclassCompilation error due to an unrecognized regex adverb
X::Syntax::Regex::SolitaryQuantifierclassCompilation error due to a regex quantifier without preceding atom
X::Syntax::ReservedclassCompilation error due to use of syntax reserved for future use
X::Syntax::Self::WithoutObjectclassCompilation error due to invoking self in an ineligible scope
X::Syntax::Signature::InvocantMarkerclassCompilation error due to a misplaced invocant marker in a signature
X::Syntax::Term::MissingInitializerclassCompilation error due to declaring a term without initialization
X::Syntax::UnlessElseclassCompilation error due to an unless clause followed by else
X::Syntax::Variable::MatchclassCompilation error due to declaring a match variable
X::Syntax::Variable::NumericclassCompilation error due to declaring a numeric symbol
X::Syntax::Variable::TwigilclassCompilation error due to an unallowed twigil in a declaration
X::TemporalroleError related to DateTime or Date
X::Temporal::InvalidFormatclassError due to using an invalid format when creating a DateTime or Date
X::TypeCheckclassError due to a failed type check
X::TypeCheck::AssignmentclassError due to a failed type check during assignment
X::TypeCheck::BindingclassError due to a failed type check during binding
X::TypeCheck::ReturnclassError due to a failed typecheck during return
X::TypeCheck::SpliceclassCompilation error due to a macro trying to splice a non-AST value
X::UndeclaredclassCompilation error due to an undeclared symbol
atomicintclassInteger (native storage at the platform's atomic operation size)
intclassNative integer
utf8classMutable uint8 buffer for utf8 binary data
ASTclassAbstract representation of a piece of source code
AllomorphclassDual value number and string
BlockclassCode object with its own lexical scope
BoolenumLogical Boolean
CallFrameclassCaptures the current frame state
CallableroleInvocable code object
CodeclassCode object
CollationclassEncapsulates instructions about how strings should be sorted
CompilerclassInformation related to the compiler that is being used
ComplexclassComplex number
ComplexStrclassDual value complex number and string
CoolclassObject that can be treated as both a string and number
CurrentThreadSchedulerclassScheduler that synchronously executes code on the current thread
DateclassCalendar date
DateTimeclassCalendar date with time
DateishroleObject that can be treated as a date
Distribution::ResourceclassEvery one of the resources installed with a distribution
DurationclassLength of time
EncodingroleSupport for character encodings.
Encoding::RegistryclassManagement of available encodings
EndianenumIndicate endianness (6.d, 2018.12 and later)
FatRatclassRational number (arbitrary-precision)
ForeignCodeclassRakudo-specific class that wraps around code in other languages (generally NQP)
HyperSeqclassAn object for performing batches of work in parallel with ordered output
HyperWhateverclassPlaceholder for multiple unspecified values/arguments
InstantclassSpecific moment in time
IntclassInteger (arbitrary-precision)
IntStrclassDual value integer and string
JunctionclassLogical superposition of values
LabelclassTagged location in the source code
Lock::AsyncclassA non-blocking, non-re-entrant, mutual exclusion lock
MacroclassCompile-time routine
MethodclassMember function
MuclassThe root of the Raku type hierarchy.
NilclassAbsence of a value or a benign failure
NumclassFloating-point number
NumStrclassDual value floating-point number and string
NumericclassNumber or object that can act as a number
ObjAtclassUnique identification for an object
ParameterclassElement of a Signature
PerlclassPerl related information
PredictiveIteratorroleIterators that can predict number of values
ProxyclassItem container with custom storage and retrieval
RaceSeqclassPerforms batches of work in parallel without respecting original order.
RakuclassRaku related information
RatclassRational number (limited-precision)
RatStrclassDual value rational number and string
RationalroleNumber stored as numerator and denominator
RealroleNon-complex number
RoutineclassCode object with its own lexical scope and return handling
Routine::WrapHandleclassHolds all information needed to unwrap a wrapped routine.
ScalarclassA mostly transparent container used for indirections
SignatureclassParameter list pattern
StrclassString of characters
StrDistanceclassContains the result of a string transformation.
StringyroleString or object that can act as a string
SubmethodclassMember function that is not inherited by subclasses
TelemetryclassCollect performance state for analysis
Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadclassInstrument for collecting Thread data
Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPoolclassInstrument for collecting ThreadPoolScheduler data
Telemetry::Instrument::UsageclassInstrument for collecting getrusage data
Telemetry::PeriodclassPerformance data over a period
Telemetry::SamplerclassTelemetry instrument pod
UIntclassUnsigned integer (arbitrary-precision)
ValueObjAtclassUnique identification for value types
VariableclassObject representation of a variable for use in traits
VersionclassModule version descriptor
WhateverclassPlaceholder for the value of an unspecified argument
WhateverCodeclassCode object constructed by Whatever-currying
atomicintclassInteger (native storage at the platform's atomic operation size)
intclassNative integer
ArrayclassSequence of itemized values
AssociativeroleObject that supports looking up values by key
BagclassImmutable collection of distinct objects with integer weights
BagHashclassMutable collection of distinct objects with integer weights
BaggyroleCollection of distinct weighted objects
BlobroleImmutable buffer for binary data ('Binary Large OBject')
BufroleMutable buffer for binary data
CaptureclassArgument list suitable for passing to a Signature
EnumerationroleWorking with the role behind the enum type
HashclassMapping from strings to itemized values
IterableroleInterface for container objects that can be iterated over
IteratorroleGeneric API for producing a sequence of values
ListclassSequence of values
MapclassImmutable mapping from strings to values
MixclassImmutable collection of distinct objects with Real weights
MixHashclassMutable collection of distinct objects with Real weights
MixyroleCollection of distinct objects with Real weights
NFCclassCodepoint string in Normal Form C (composed)
NFDclassCodepoint string in Normal Form D (decomposed)
NFKCclassCodepoint string in Normal Form KC (compatibility composed)
NFKDclassCodepoint string in Normal Form KD (compatibility decomposed)
PairclassKey/value pair
PositionalroleObject that supports looking up values by index
PositionalBindFailoverroleFailover for binding to a Positional
PseudoStashclassStash type for pseudo-packages
QuantHashroleObject hashes with a limitation on the type of values
RangeclassInterval of ordered values
SeqclassAn iterable, potentially lazy sequence of values
SequenceroleCommon methods of sequences
SetclassImmutable collection of distinct objects
SetHashclassMutable collection of distinct objects
SettyroleCollection of distinct objects
SlipclassA kind of List that automatically flattens into an outer container
StashclassTable for "our"-scoped symbols
UniclassA string of Unicode codepoints
utf8classMutable uint8 buffer for utf8 binary data
AttributeclassMember variable
CancellationclassRemoval of a task from a Scheduler before normal completion
ChannelclassThread-safe queue for sending values from producers to consumers
DistroclassDistribution related information
GrammarclassFormal grammar made up of named regexes
IOroleInput/output related routines
IO::ArgFilesclassIterate over contents of files specified on command line
IO::CatHandleclassUse multiple IO handles as if they were one
IO::HandleclassOpened file or stream
IO::NotificationclassAsynchronous notification for file and directory changes
IO::Notification::ChangeclassChanges in a file, produced by watch-file
IO::PathclassFile or directory path
IO::Path::CygwinclassIO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Cygwin
IO::Path::PartsclassIO::Path parts encapsulation
IO::Path::QNXclassIO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::QNX
IO::Path::UnixclassIO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Unix
IO::Path::Win32classIO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Win32
IO::PipeclassBuffered inter-process string or binary stream
IO::SocketroleNetwork socket
IO::Socket::AsyncclassAsynchronous socket in TCP or UDP
IO::Socket::Async::ListenSocketclassA tap for listening TCP sockets
IO::Socket::INETclassTCP Socket
IO::SpecclassPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths
IO::Spec::CygwinclassPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths for Cygwin
IO::Spec::QNXclassPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths QNX
IO::Spec::UnixclassPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths for POSIX
IO::Spec::Win32classPlatform specific operations on file and directory paths for Windows
IO::SpecialclassPath to special I/O device
KernelclassKernel related information
LockclassA low-level, re-entrant, mutual exclusion lock
Lock::ConditionVariableclassCondition variables used in locks
MatchclassResult of a successful regex match
OrderenumHuman readable form for comparison operators.
Pod::BlockclassBlock in a Pod document
Pod::Block::CodeclassVerbatim code block in a Pod document
Pod::Block::CommentclassComment in a Pod document
Pod::Block::DeclaratorclassDeclarator block in a Pod document
Pod::Block::NamedclassNamed block in a Pod document
Pod::Block::ParaclassParagraph in a Pod document
Pod::Block::TableclassTable in a Pod document
Pod::DefnclassPod definition list
Pod::FormattingCodeclassPod formatting code
Pod::HeadingclassHeading in a Pod document
Pod::ItemclassItem in a Pod enumeration list
ProcclassRunning process (filehandle-based interface)
Proc::AsyncclassRunning process (asynchronous interface)
PromiseclassStatus/result of an asynchronous computation
RegexclassString pattern
SchedulerroleScheme for automatically assigning tasks to threads
SemaphoreclassControl access to shared resources by multiple threads
SupplierclassLive Supply factory
Supplier::PreservingclassCached live Supply factory
SupplyclassAsynchronous data stream with multiple subscribers
SystemicroleInformation related to the build system
TapclassSubscription to a Supply
ThreadclassConcurrent execution of code (low-level)
ThreadPoolSchedulerclassScheduler that distributes work among a pool of threads
VMclassRaku Virtual Machine related information
BacktraceclassSnapshot of the dynamic call stack
Backtrace::FrameclassSingle frame of a Backtrace
CX::DoneclassDone control exception
CX::EmitclassEmit control exception
CX::LastclassLast control exception
CX::NextclassNext control exception
CX::ProceedclassProceed control exception
CX::RedoclassRedo control exception
CX::ReturnclassReturn control exception
CX::SucceedclassSucceed control exception
CX::TakeclassTake control exception
CX::WarnclassControl exception warning
ExceptionclassAnomalous event capable of interrupting normal control-flow
FailureclassDelayed exception
X::AdHocclassError with a custom message
X::Anon::AugmentclassCompilation error due to augmenting an anonymous package
X::Anon::MulticlassCompilation error due to declaring an anonymous multi
X::Assignment::ROclassException thrown when trying to assign to something read-only
X::Attribute::NoPackageclassCompilation error due to declaring an attribute outside of a package
X::Attribute::PackageclassCompilation error due to declaring an attribute in an ineligible package
X::Attribute::RequiredclassCompilation error due to not declaring an attribute with the is required trait
X::Attribute::UndeclaredclassCompilation error due to an undeclared attribute
X::Augment::NoSuchTypeclassCompilation error due to augmenting a non-existing type
X::BindclassError due to binding to something that is not a variable or container
X::Bind::NativeTypeclassCompilation error due to binding to a natively typed variable
X::Bind::SliceclassError due to binding to a slice
X::Caller::NotDynamicclassError while trying to access a non dynamic variable through CALLER
X::Cannot::EmptyclassError due to inappropriate usage of an empty collection
X::Cannot::LazyclassError due to inappropriate usage of a lazy list
X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosedclassError due to calling receive on a closed channel
X::Channel::SendOnClosedclassError due to calling send on a closed channel
X::ComproleCommon role for compile-time errors
X::Composition::NotComposableclassCompilation error due to composing an ineligible type
X::Constructor::PositionalclassError due to passing positional arguments to a default constructor
X::ControlclassRole for control exceptions
X::ControlFlowclassError due to calling a loop control command in an ineligible scope
X::ControlFlow::ReturnclassError due to calling return outside a routine
X::DateTime::TimezoneClashclassError due to using both time zone offset and :timezone
X::Declaration::ScopeclassCompilation error due to a declaration with an ineligible scope
X::Declaration::Scope::MulticlassCompilation error due to declaring a multi with an ineligible scope
X::Does::TypeObjectclassError due to mixing into a type object
X::Dynamic::NotFoundclassRuntime error thrown when a dynamic variable does not exist
X::Eval::NoSuchLangclassError due to specifying an unknown language for EVAL
X::Export::NameClashclassCompilation error due to exporting the same symbol twice
X::IOroleIO related error
X::IO::ChdirclassError while trying to change the working directory
X::IO::ChmodclassError while trying to change file permissions
X::IO::CopyclassError while trying to copy a file
X::IO::CwdclassError while trying to determine the current working directory
X::IO::DirclassError while trying to get a directory's contents
X::IO::DoesNotExistclassError while doing file tests on a non existing path
X::IO::LinkclassError while trying to create a link
X::IO::MkdirclassError while trying to create a directory
X::IO::MoveclassError while trying to move a file
X::IO::RenameclassError while trying to rename a file or directory
X::IO::RmdirclassError while trying to remove a directory
X::IO::SymlinkclassError while trying to create a symbolic link
X::IO::UnlinkclassError while trying to remove a file
X::Inheritance::NotComposedclassError due to inheriting from a type that's not composed yet
X::Inheritance::UnsupportedclassCompilation error due to inheriting from an ineligible type
X::Method::InvalidQualifierclassError due to calling a qualified method from an ineligible class
X::Method::NotFoundclassError due to calling a method that isn't there
X::Method::Private::PermissionclassCompilation error due to calling a private method without permission
X::Method::Private::UnqualifiedclassCompilation error due to an unqualified private method call
X::Mixin::NotComposableclassError due to using an ineligible type as a mixin
X::NYIclassError due to use of an unimplemented feature
X::NoDispatcherclassError due to calling a dispatch command in an ineligible scope
X::Numeric::RealclassError while trying to coerce a number to a Real type
X::OSroleError reported by the operating system
X::ObsoleteclassCompilation error due to use of obsolete syntax
X::OutOfRangeclassError due to indexing outside of an allowed range
X::Package::StubbedclassCompilation error due to a stubbed package that is never defined
X::Parameter::DefaultclassCompilation error due to an unallowed default value in a signature
X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraintsclassCompilation error due to a parameter with multiple type constraints
X::Parameter::PlaceholderclassCompilation error due to an unallowed placeholder in a signature
X::Parameter::TwigilclassCompilation error due to an unallowed twigil in a signature
X::Parameter::WrongOrderclassCompilation error due to passing parameters in the wrong order
X::Phaser::MultipleclassCompilation error due to multiple phasers of the same type
X::Phaser::PrePostclassError due to a false return value of a PRE/POST phaser
X::Placeholder::BlockclassCompilation error due to a placeholder in an ineligible block
X::Placeholder::MainlineclassCompilation error due to a placeholder in the mainline
X::PodrolePod related error
X::Proc::AsyncroleException thrown by Proc::Async
X::Proc::Async::AlreadyStartedclassError due to calling start on an already started Proc::Async object
X::Proc::Async::BindOrUseclassError due to trying to bind a handle that is also used
X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytesclassError due to tapping the same Proc::Async stream for both text and binary reading
X::Proc::Async::MustBeStartedclassError due to interacting with a Proc::Async stream before spawning its process
X::Proc::Async::OpenForWritingclassError due to writing to a read-only Proc::Async object
X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawnclassError due to tapping a Proc::Async stream after spawning its process
X::Proc::UnsuccessfulclassException thrown if a Proc object is sunk after the process it ran exited unsuccessfully
X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBrokenclassError due to asking why an unbroken promise has been broken.
X::Promise::VowedclassError due to directly trying to keep/break a vowed promise.
X::RedeclarationclassCompilation error due to declaring an already declared symbol
X::Role::InitializationclassError due to passing an initialization value to an ineligible role
X::Scheduler::CueInNaNSecondsclassError caused by passing NaN to Scheduler.cue as :at, :in, or :every
X::Seq::ConsumedclassError due to trying to reuse a consumed sequence
X::Sequence::DeductionclassError due to constructing a sequence from ineligible input
X::Signature::NameClashclassCompilation error due to two named parameters with the same name
X::Signature::PlaceholderclassCompilation error due to placeholders in a block with a signature
X::Str::NumericclassError while trying to coerce a string to a number
X::StubCodeclassRuntime error due to execution of stub code
X::SyntaxroleSyntax error thrown by the compiler
X::Syntax::Augment::WithoutMonkeyTypingclassCompilation error due to augmenting a type without the MONKEY-TYPING pragma
X::Syntax::Comment::EmbeddedclassCompilation error due to a malformed inline comment
X::Syntax::ConfusedclassCompilation error due to unrecognized syntax
X::Syntax::InfixInTermPositionclassCompilation error due to an infix in term position
X::Syntax::MalformedclassCompilation error due to a malformed construct (usually a declarator)
X::Syntax::MissingclassCompilation error due to a missing piece of syntax
X::Syntax::NegatedPairclassCompilation error due to passing an argument to a negated colonpair
X::Syntax::NoSelfclassCompilation error due to implicitly using a self that is not there
X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRangeclassCompilation error due to an unallowed radix in a number literal
X::Syntax::P5classCompilation error due to use of Perl-only syntax
X::Syntax::Perl5VarclassCompilation error due to use of Perl-only default variables
X::Syntax::Regex::AdverbclassCompilation error due to an unrecognized regex adverb
X::Syntax::Regex::SolitaryQuantifierclassCompilation error due to a regex quantifier without preceding atom
X::Syntax::ReservedclassCompilation error due to use of syntax reserved for future use
X::Syntax::Self::WithoutObjectclassCompilation error due to invoking self in an ineligible scope
X::Syntax::Signature::InvocantMarkerclassCompilation error due to a misplaced invocant marker in a signature
X::Syntax::Term::MissingInitializerclassCompilation error due to declaring a term without initialization
X::Syntax::UnlessElseclassCompilation error due to an unless clause followed by else
X::Syntax::Variable::MatchclassCompilation error due to declaring a match variable
X::Syntax::Variable::NumericclassCompilation error due to declaring a numeric symbol
X::Syntax::Variable::TwigilclassCompilation error due to an unallowed twigil in a declaration
X::TemporalroleError related to DateTime or Date
X::Temporal::InvalidFormatclassError due to using an invalid format when creating a DateTime or Date
X::TypeCheckclassError due to a failed type check
X::TypeCheck::AssignmentclassError due to a failed type check during assignment
X::TypeCheck::BindingclassError due to a failed type check during binding
X::TypeCheck::ReturnclassError due to a failed typecheck during return
X::TypeCheck::SpliceclassCompilation error due to a macro trying to splice a non-AST value
X::UndeclaredclassCompilation error due to an undeclared symbol
TestmoduleWriting and running tests
Metamodel::AttributeContainerroleMetaobject that can hold attributes
Metamodel::C3MROroleMetaobject that supports the C3 method resolution order
Metamodel::ClassHOWclassMetaobject representing a Raku class.
Metamodel::ConcreteRoleHOWclassProvides an implementation of a concrete instance of a role
Metamodel::CurriedRoleHOWclassSupport for parameterized roles that have not been instantiated
Metamodel::DefiniteHOWclassMetaobject for type definiteness
Metamodel::DocumentingroleMetarole for documenting types.
Metamodel::EnumHOWclassMetaobject representing a Raku enum.
Metamodel::FinalizationroleMetaobject supporting object finalization
Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatchroleMetaobject that supports resolving inherited methods
Metamodel::MethodContainerroleMetaobject that supports storing and introspecting methods
Metamodel::MixinsroleMetaobject for generating mixins
Metamodel::MultipleInheritanceroleMetaobject that supports multiple inheritance
Metamodel::NamingroleMetaobject that supports named types
Metamodel::PackageHOWclassMetaobject representing a Raku package.
Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOWroleRepresents a group of roles with different parameterizations
Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOWroleRepresents a non-instantiated, parameterized, role.
Metamodel::PrimitivesclassMetaobject that supports low-level type operations
Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainerroleMetaobject that supports private methods
Metamodel::RoleContainerroleMetaobject that supports holding/containing roles
Metamodel::RolePunningroleMetaobject that supports punning of roles.
Metamodel::StashingroleMetarole for type stashes
Metamodel::TrustingroleMetaobject that supports trust relations between types
Metamodel::VersioningroleMetaobjects that support versioning