Documentation for method write assembled from the following pages:

Class: IO::CatHandle §

From IO::CatHandle

(IO::CatHandle) method write §

Defined as:

multi method write(|)

The IO::CatHandle type overrides this method to throw a X::NYI exception. If you have a good idea for how this method should behave, tell Rakudo developers about it!

Class: IO::Handle §

From IO::Handle

(IO::Handle) method write §

Defined as:

method write(IO::Handle:D: Blob:D $buf --> True)

Writes $buf to the filehandle. This method can be called even when the handle is not in binary mode.

Role: IO::Socket §

From IO::Socket

(IO::Socket) method write §

method write(IO::Socket:D: Blob:D $buf)

Writes the supplied buffer to the socket, thus sending it to other end of the connection. The string version is method print.

Fails if the socket is not connected.

Class: IO::Socket::Async §

From IO::Socket::Async

(IO::Socket::Async) method write §

method write(IO::Socket::Async:D: Blob $b --> Promise)

This method will attempt to send the bytes in $b on the IO::Socket::Async that will have been obtained indirectly via connect or listen, returning a Promise that will be kept with the number of bytes sent or broken if there was an error sending.

Class: Proc::Async §

From Proc::Async

(Proc::Async) method write §

method write(Proc::Async:D: Blob:D $b:$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER --> Promise:D)

Write the binary data in $b to the standard input stream of the external program.

Returns a Promise that will be kept once the data has fully landed in the input buffer of the external program.

The Proc::Async object must be created for writing (with, $path, @args)). Otherwise an X::Proc::Async::OpenForWriting exception will the thrown.

start must have been called before calling method write, otherwise an X::Proc::Async::MustBeStarted exception is thrown.