Documentation for routine report assembled from the following pages:

Class: Telemetry §

From Telemetry

(Telemetry) routine report §

multi sub report(:@columns:$legend:$header-repeat:$csv:@format)

The report subroutine generates a report about an array of Telemetry objects. It is exported by default. These can have been created by regularly calling snap, or by having a snapper running. If no positional parameter is used, it will assume the internal array to which the parameterless snap pushes.

Below are the additional named parameters of report.

  • :columns

Specify the names of the columns to be included in the report. Names can be specified with the column name (e.g. gw). If not specified, defaults to what is specified in the RAKUDO_REPORT_COLUMNS environment variable. If that is not set either, defaults to:

wallclock util% max-rss gw gtc tw ttc aw atc
  • :header-repeat

Specifies after how many lines the header should be repeated in the report. If not specified, defaults to what is specified in the RAKUDO_REPORT_HEADER_REPEAT environment variable. If that is not set either, defaults to 32.

  • :legend

Specifies whether a legend should be added to the report. If not specified, defaults to what is specified in the RAKUDO_REPORT_LEGEND environment variable. If that is not set either, defaults to True.

If there are snaps available in the internal array at the end of the program, then report will be automatically generated and printed on STDERR.