Documentation for method maxpairs
assembled from the following pages:
Class: Any §
From Any
(Any) method maxpairs §
Defined as:
multi method maxpairs(Any:)
Calls .pairs
and returns a Seq with all of the Pairs with maximum values, as judged by the cmp
<a b c a b c>.maxpairs.raku.put; # OUTPUT: «(2 => "c", 5 => "c").Seq» %(:42a, :75b).maxpairs.raku.put; # OUTPUT: «(:b(75),).Seq»
Role: Setty §
From Setty
(Setty) method maxpairs §
Defined As:
multi method maxpairs(Setty: --> Seq)
Returns the value of self.pairs
(as all Pairs have maximum values). See also Any.maxpairs