Documentation for routine get assembled from the following pages:

Class: IO::CatHandle §

From IO::CatHandle

(IO::CatHandle) method get §

Defined as:

method get(IO::CatHandle:D: --> Bool:D)

Returns a single line of input from the handle, with the new line string defined by the value(s) of $.nl-in attribute, which will be removed from the line if $.chomp attribute is set to True. Returns Nil when there is no more input. It is an error to call this method when the handle is in binary mode, resulting in X::IO::BinaryMode exception being thrown.

(my $f1 = 'foo'.IO).spurt: "a\nb\nc";
(my $f2 = 'bar'.IO).spurt: "d\ne";
my $cat = $f1$f2;
.say while $_ = $cat.get# OUTPUT: «a␤b␤c␤d␤e␤» 

Class: IO::Handle §

From IO::Handle

(IO::Handle) routine get §

Defined as:

method get(IO::Handle:D: --> Str:D)
multi sub get (IO::Handle $fh = $*ARGFILES --> Str:D)

Reads a single line of input from the handle, removing the trailing newline characters (as set by .nl-in) if the handle's .chomp attribute is set to True. Returns Nil, if no more input is available. The subroutine form defaults to $*ARGFILES if no handle is given.

Attempting to call this method when the handle is in binary mode will result in X::IO::BinaryMode exception being thrown.

$*IN.get.say;              # Read one line from the standard input 
my $fh = open 'filename';
$fh.get.say;               # Read one line from a file 
say get;                   # Read one line from $*ARGFILES 

Role: IO::Socket §

From IO::Socket

(IO::Socket) routine get §

Defined as:

method get(IO::Socket:D: --> Str:D)

Reads a single line of input from the socket, removing the trailing newline characters (as set by .nl-in). Returns Nil, if no more input is available.

Fails if the socket is not connected.

Class: IO::Socket::INET §

From IO::Socket::INET

(IO::Socket::INET) method get §

method get()

Reads a line from the socket and returns it as of type Str. Return Nil on end-of-file (EOF).