Documentation for routine categorize assembled from the following pages:

Class: Any §

From Any

(Any) routine categorize §

Defined as:

multi method categorize()
multi method categorize(Whatever)
multi method categorize($test:$into!:&as)
multi method categorize($test:&as)
multi sub categorize($test+items:$into!*%named )
multi sub categorize($test+items*%named )

The two first forms fail with an error message.

In its simplest form, it uses a $test whose result will be used as a key; the values of the key will be an array of the elements that produced that key as a result of the test.

say (1..13).categorize* %% 3);
say categorize* %% 31..13)
# OUTPUT: «{False => [1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13], True => [3 6 9 12]}␤» 

The :as argument will normalize before categorizing

say categorize* %% 3-5..5as => &abs )
# OUTPUT: «{False => [5 4 2 1 1 2 4 5], True => [3 0 3]}␤» 

The $into associative argument can be used to put the result instead of returning a new Hash

my %leap-years;
my @years = (2002..2009).map{$_~"-01-01" ) } );
@years.categorize*.is-leap-year , into => %leap-years );
say %leap-years
# «{ False 
# => [2002-01-01 2003-01-01 2005-01-01 2006-01-01 2007-01-01 2009-01-01], 
#    True => [2004-01-01 2008-01-01]}␤» 

The function used to categorize can return an array indicating all possible bins their argument can be put into:

sub divisible-byInt $n --> Array(Seq) ) {
    gather {
        for <2 3 5 7> {
            take $_ if $n %% $_;
say (3..13).categorize&divisible-by );
# «{2 => [4 6 8 10 12], 3 => [3 6 9 12], 5 => [5 10], 7 => [7]}␤» 

In this case, every number in the range is classified in as many bins as it can be divided by.

Class: List §

From List

(List) routine categorize §

Defined as:

multi method categorize()
multi method categorize(Whatever)
multi method categorize($test:$into!:&as)
multi method categorize($test:&as)
multi sub categorize($test+items:$into!*%named )
multi sub categorize($test+items*%named )

These methods are directly inherited from Any; see Any.list for more examples.

This routine transforms a list of values into a hash representing the categorizations of those values according to $test, which is called once for every element in the list; each hash key represents one possible categorization for one or more of the incoming list values, and the corresponding hash value contains an array of those list values categorized by the $test, acting like a mapper, into the category of the associated key.

Note that, unlike classify, which assumes that the return value of the mapper is a single value, categorize always assumes that the return value of the mapper is a list of categories that are appropriate to the current value.


sub mapper(Int $ireturns List {
    $i %% 2 ?? 'even' !! 'odd',
    $ ?? 'prime' !! 'not prime'
say categorize &mapper, (17632);
# OUTPUT: «{even => [6 2], not prime => [1 6], odd => [1 7 3], prime => [7 3 2]}␤»