Documentation for routine antipairs assembled from the following pages:

Role: Baggy §

From Baggy

(Baggy) method antipairs §

Defined as:

method antipairs(Baggy:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all elements and their respective weights as a Seq of Pairs, where the element itself is the value and the weight of that element is the key, i.e. the opposite of method pairs.

my $breakfast = bag <bacon eggs bacon>;
my $seq = $breakfast.antipairs;
say $seq.sort;                                    # OUTPUT: «(1 => eggs 2 => bacon)␤»

Class: Any §

From Any

(Any) method antipairs §

Defined as:

multi method antipairs(Any:U:)
multi method antipairs(Any:D:)

Returns an empty List if the invocant is a type object

Range.antipairs.say# OUTPUT: «()␤»

If it's a value object, it returns the inverted list of pairs after converting it to a list of pairs; the values will become keys and the other way round.

%(=> 1t=> 2=> 3).antipairs.say ;# OUTPUT: «(2 => t 1 => s 3 => u)␤»

Class: List §

From List

(List) routine antipairs §

Defined as:

method antipairs(List:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq of pairs, with the values as keys and the indexes as values, i.e. the direct opposite to pairs.

say <a b c>.antipairs;  # OUTPUT: «(a => 0 b => 1 c => 2)␤»

Class: Map §

From Map

(Map) method antipairs §

Defined as:

method antipairs(Map:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all keys and their respective values as a Seq of Pairs where the keys and values have been exchanged, i.e. the opposite of method pairs. Unlike the invert method, there is no attempt to expand list values into multiple pairs.

my $m ='a' => (23), 'b' => 17);
say $m.antipairs;                        # OUTPUT: «((2 3) => a 17 => b)␤»

Role: Setty §

From Setty

(Setty) method antipairs §

Defined as:

multi method antipairs(Setty:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all elements in the set and True as a Seq of Pairs, where the element itself is the value, i.e. the opposite of method pairs.

my $s =;
say $s.antipairs.sort;                            # OUTPUT: «(True => 1 True => 2 True => 3)␤»

Class: Pair §

From Pair

(Pair) method antipairs §

Defined as:

multi method antipairs(Pair:D:)

Returns a List containing the antipair of the invocant.

my $p = (=> 'Raku').antipairs;
say $p.^name;                                     # OUTPUT: «List␤» 
say $p.first;                                     # OUTPUT: «Raku => d␤» 
say $p.first.^name;                               # OUTPUT: «Pair␤»

Class: Capture §

From Capture

(Capture) method antipairs §

Defined as:

multi method antipairs(Capture:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all arguments, the positional followed by the named, as a Seq of pairs where the keys and values have been swapped, i.e. the value becomes the key and the key becomes the value. This behavior is the opposite of the pairs method.

my $capture = \(23apples => (red => 2));
say $capture.antipairs# OUTPUT: «(2 => 0 3 => 1 (red => 2) => apples)␤»