Documentation for method abs2rel assembled from the following pages:

Class: IO::Spec::Cygwin §

From IO::Spec::Cygwin

(IO::Spec::Cygwin) method abs2rel §

Defined as:

method abs2rel(IO::Path:D $pathIO::Path:D $base = $*CWD --> Str:D)

Returns a string that represents $path, but relative to $base path. Both $path and $base may be relative paths. $base defaults to $*CWD. Uses IO::Spec::Win32's semantics.

Class: IO::Spec::Unix §

From IO::Spec::Unix

(IO::Spec::Unix) method abs2rel §

Defined as:

method abs2rel(IO::Path:D $pathIO::Path:D $base = $*CWD --> Str:D)

Returns a string that represents $path, but relative to $base path. Both $path and $base may be relative paths. $base defaults to $*CWD.