Documentation for method BagHash assembled from the following pages:

Class: Any §

From Any

(Any) method BagHash §

Defined as:

method BagHash(--> BagHash:Dis nodal

Coerces the invocant to BagHash, whereby Positionals are treated as lists of values.

Class: MixHash §

From MixHash

(MixHash) method BagHash §

Defined as:

method BagHash (--> BagHash:D)

Coerces the MixHash to a BagHash. The weights are converted to Int, which means the number of keys in the resulting BagHash can be fewer than in the original MixHash, if any of the weights are negative or truncate to zero.

Role: Setty §

From Setty

(Setty) method BagHash §

Defined as:

method BagHash(Setty:D: --> BagHash:D)

Returns a BagHash containing the elements of the invocant.

my BagHash $b =;
say $b;                                           # OUTPUT: «BagHash(1 2 3)␤»

Class: Mix §

From Mix

(Mix) method BagHash §

Defined as:

method BagHash (--> BagHash:D)

Coerces the Mix to a BagHash. The weights are convert to Int, which means the number of keys in the resulting BagHash can be fewer than in the original Mix, if any of the weights are negative or truncate to zero.