N.B. "Module" is an overloaded term in Raku; this document focuses on use of the module declarator.

What are modules? §

Modules, like classes and grammars, are a kind of package. Module objects are instances of the ModuleHOW metaclass; this provides certain capabilities useful for creating namespaces, versioning, delegation and data encapsulation (see also class and role).

To create a module, use the module declarator:

module M {}
say M.HOW;   # OUTPUT: «Perl6::Metamodel::ModuleHOW.new␤»

Here we define a new module named M; introspection with HOW confirms that the metaclass underlying M is Perl6::Metamodel::ModuleHOW.

When to use modules §

Modules are primarily useful for encapsulating code and data that do not belong inside a class or role definition. Module contents (classes, subroutines, variables, etc.) can be exported from a module with the is export trait; these are available in the caller's namespace once the module has been imported with import or use. A module can also selectively expose symbols within its namespace for qualified reference via our.

Working with modules §

To illustrate module scoping and export rules, let's begin by defining a simple module M:

module M {
  sub greeting ($name = 'Camelia'{ "Greetings, $name!" }
  our sub loud-greeting (--> Str)  { greeting().uc       }
  sub friendly-greeting is export  { greeting('friend')  }

Recall that subroutines are lexically scoped unless otherwise specified (declarator sub is equivalent to my sub), so greeting in the above example is lexically scoped to the module and inaccessible outside of it. We've also defined loud-greeting with the our declarator, which means that in addition to being lexically scoped it is aliased in the module's symbol table. Finally, friendly-greeting is marked for export; it will be registered in the caller's symbol table when the module is imported:

import M;               # import the module
say M::loud-greeting;   # OUTPUT: «GREETINGS, CAMELIA!␤»
say friendly-greeting;  # OUTPUT: «Greetings, friend!␤»

Modules on disk §

While .raku and .rakumod files are sometimes referred to as "modules", they are really just normal files that are loaded and compiled when you write need, use or require.

For a .rakumod file to provide a module in the sense that we've been using, it needs to declare one with module as documented above. For example, by placing module M inside Foo.rakumod, we can load and use the module as follows:

use Foo;                # find Foo.rakumod, run need followed by import
say M::loud-greeting;   # OUTPUT: «GREETINGS, CAMELIA!␤»
say friendly-greeting;  # OUTPUT: «Greetings, friend!␤»

Note the decoupling between file and module names—a .rakumod file can declare zero or more modules with arbitrary identifiers.

File and module naming §

Often we want a .rakumod file to provide a single module and nothing more. Here a common convention is for the file basename to match the module name. Returning to Foo.rakumod, it is apparent that it only provides a single module, M; in this case, we might want to rename M to Foo. The amended file would then read:

module Foo {
  sub greeting ($name = 'Camelia'{ "Greetings, $name!" }
  our sub loud-greeting (--> Str)  { greeting().uc       }
  sub friendly-greeting is export  { greeting('friend')  }

which can be used more consistently by the caller (note the relationship between the use Foo and Foo::):

use Foo;
say Foo::loud-greeting;  # OUTPUT: «GREETINGS, CAMELIA!␤»
say friendly-greeting;   # OUTPUT: «Greetings, friend!␤»

If Foo.rakumod is placed deeper within the source tree, e.g. at lib/Utils/Foo.rakumod, we can elect to name the module Utils::Foo to maintain consistency.

The unit keyword §

Files that only provide a single module can be written more concisely with the unit keyword; unit module specifies that the rest of the compilation unit is part of the declared module. Here's Foo.rakumod rewritten with unit:

unit module Foo;
sub greeting ($name = 'Camelia'{ "Greetings, $name!" }
our sub loud-greeting (--> Str)  { greeting().uc       }
sub friendly-greeting is export  { greeting('friend')  }

Everything following the unit declaration is part of the Foo module specification.

(Note that unit can also be used with class, grammar and role.)

What happens if I omit module? §

To better understand what the module declarator is doing in Foo.rakumod, let's contrast it with a variant file, Bar.rakumod, that omits the declaration. The subroutine definitions below are almost identical (the only difference is in the body of greeting, modified for clarity):

sub greeting ($name = 'Camelia'{ "Greetings from Bar, $name!" }
our sub loud-greeting (--> Str)  { greeting().uc                }
sub friendly-greeting is export  { greeting('friend')           }

As a reminder, here's how we used Foo.rakumod before,

use Foo;
say Foo::loud-greeting;  # OUTPUT: «GREETINGS, CAMELIA!␤»
say friendly-greeting;   # OUTPUT: «Greetings, friend!␤»

and here's how we use Bar.rakumod,

use Bar;
say loud-greeting;       # OUTPUT: «GREETINGS FROM BAR, CAMELIA!␤»
say friendly-greeting;   # OUTPUT: «Greetings from Bar, friend!␤»

Note the use of loud-greeting rather than Bar::loud-greeting as Bar is not a known symbol (we didn't create a module of that name in Bar.rakumod). But why is loud-greeting callable even though we didn't mark it for export? The answer is simply that Bar.rakumod doesn't create a new package namespace—$?PACKAGE is still set to GLOBAL—so when we declare loud-greeting as our, it is registered in the GLOBAL symbol table.

Lexical aliasing and safety §

Thankfully, Raku protects us from accidentally clobbering call site definitions (e.g. builtins). Consider the following addition to Bar.rakumod:

our sub say ($ignored{ print "oh dear\n" }

This creates a lexical alias, hiding the say builtin inside Bar.rakumod but leaving the caller's say unchanged. Consequently, the following call to say still works as expected:

use Bar;
say 'Carry on, carry on...';  # OUTPUT: «Carry on, carry on...␤»
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